陈诗一和张军教授合作论文在SSCI学术期刊China Economic Review正式发表

  • 发布时间:2011年03月15日浏览次数:


陈诗一副教授、谢千里教授、张军教授合作的论文“Structural Change,Productivity Growth and Industrial Transformation in China”在SSCI学术期刊China Economic Review正式发表,该文曾在2009年由复旦大学中国经济研究中心和耶鲁大学经济增长中心联合主办的第3届转型与经济发展(TED)国际双年会以及2010年由上海交通大学主办的第10届世界经济学大会(ESWC2010)上宣读。 
Chen, Shiyi, Gary H. Jefferson, Jun Zhang (correspondence author),2011, StructuralChange, Productivity Growth and Industrial Transformation in China, ChinaEconomic Review, 22(1), 133-150 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2010.10.003). 
China's industry has experienced robust growth under persistentstructural reform since 1978. By estimating the stochastic frontier sectoralproduction function, we find that the TFP growth has exceeded the quantitativegrowth of inputs since 1992, but the contribution of productivity to outputgrowth declines after 2001. Using a decomposition technique, we then find thatthe structural change has contributed to TFP and output growth substantiallybut also decreasingly over time. Empirical analysis reveals that the reforms infactor markets and industrial structure significantly account for the overalltrend and the sectoral heterogeneity of factor allocative efficiency during theindustrial transformation process. 
Keywords: Factor reallocation; Structural change; Productivitygrowth; Industrial transformation