
  • 发布时间:2004年03月09日浏览次数:


姜 建 强
【摘要】:本文提出并讨论这样一个问题:既然传统上企业被认为是因节省交易费用从而成为市场的“替代物”,那么现实中为何会存在消费的市场组织方式?消费的市场组织方式是指,消费者获得最终产品并非是直接从企业那里购买,而是通过在市场上与众多要素资源投入所有者分别签订合约(或断权交易,outright transaction)的方式完成的。我们的分析表明,消费的市场组织方式的存在,以及它之所以没有被企业这种组织方式所替代,主要可以由其他替代性的制度安排来解释。
【关键词】:消费的市场组织方式 企业理论 交易费用
Abstract This paper raises and discusses this question: why does the so called the means of organizing “consumption” through the market (OCTM) exist in the real word if the firm is traditionally viewed as the suppression of the market in order to save transaction costs. OCTM is a way in which consumers obtain final products not from an agent (or a firm), but through contracting (or outright transacting) with various factor owners. We find that, the existence of OCTM, and the fact that it is not superseded by the firm, can be explained by other institution arrangements.
JEL Classification D23 L20