
  • 发布时间:2004年03月08日浏览次数:


姜 建 强
【摘要】 本文是问题导向的。首先,科斯意义上的企业究竟具有怎样一个内容?其次,科斯企业中的“权威”到底因何而来?论文将试图说明,(1)科斯意义上的企业不仅是有别于市场的一种生产组织方式,而且还是以工资合约为主要特征的生产组织方式;(2)企业中“权威”的产生主要是因节省交易(度量)费用选择的度量对象是投入而非产出的结果。这样看来,权威是什么、权威应该如何安排等问题就不是很重要,它们不过是人们在不同约束条件下进行选择的一种结果。尽管权利的配置在事后对激励有着重要的影响,但如果仅仅是强调最优的企业所有权结构,而忽略现实中究竟什么样的约束条件导致这种权利结构的形成,显然是一种舍本逐末的研究方法。因此,关键是考察现实中交易费用这一约束,并由此理解和认识现实中各种不同的制度安排。
【关键词】 企业理论 生产组织方式 权威 合约 度量费用
The Power in the Firm: A Contractual Perspective
Abstract This paper is deliberately issue-oriented. The first issue concerns the definition of the firm. What is the exact nature of the Coasian firm? The second concerns the power in the firm. Where does the power in the Coasian firm come from? It follows by reviewing the past literature that the firm in the Coasian world can be understood as not only a way of organizing production between various factor owners which is different from that of the market, but also a way of organizing production which is characterized by the labor contract. The paper argues that the power in the firm comes into being due to the fact that the input instead of the output is chosen for measurement. Therefore, questions as to what the power is and how to allocate the powers in the firm are not so important, and they merely originate as the result of the choice by the private agents under different constraints in the real world. 
JEL Classification D23 L20 J33