
  • 发布时间:2009年04月16日浏览次数:

 Chen Shiyi, Wolfgang K. Haerdle, Rouslan A. Moro, 2009, Modeling Default Risk with Support Vector Machines, Quantitative Finance, formally accepted. 

Chen Shiyi, Wolfgang K. Haerdle, Kiho Jeong, 2009, Forecasting Volatility with Support Vector Machines Based GARCH Model, Journal of Forecasting, published online in advance of print (http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/122589994/abstract ). 
Chen Shiyi, Kiho Jeong, 2009, Predicting Exchange Rates by Support Vector Regression, Journal of Economic Theory and Econometrics, Volume 20, Issue 2, June, pp 65-81 (available at http://es.re.kr/eng/). 
Chen Shiyi, Jun Zhang, 2009, Empirical Research on Fiscal Expenditure Efficiency of Local Governments in China, Social Sciences in China, Volume 30, Issue 2, May. 
Chen Shiyi, 2009, Engine or Drag: Can High Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission Drive the Sustainable Development of Chinese Industry? Frontier of Economics in China, Volume 4, Issue 4. 
张军、陈诗一、Gary H. Jefferson,2009,“结构改革与中国工业增长”,《经济研究》,第7期(封面首篇)。 