陈诗一老师论文在The World Economy期刊正式发表

  • 发布时间:2011年08月28日浏览次数:

 陈诗一副教授独立完成的论文”The Abatement of Carbon Intensity in China: Factor Decompositionand Policy Implications”于2011年7月份在SSCI学术期刊The World Economy正式发表

Chen, Shiyi, 2011, TheAbatement of Carbon Intensity in China: Factor Decomposition and PolicyImplications, The WorldEconomy, 34 (7): 1148–1167.
To deal with the challenges brought about by climatechanges, China decided to reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) intensity by 40-45% from2005 to 2020. By using the decomposition technique, this study finds that energyintensity is the most important force to drive the decline of CO2 intensity between1980 and 2008, followed by structural factors such as the adjustment of energyand industrial structure. Therefore, any environmental policy to promote energyefficiency will play the biggest role in achieving the target of abating CO2intensity in 2020.
Keywords: carbon intensity, factor decomposition, energyefficiency, industry
JEL Classification: Q54, Q55, Q58, O13