Call for Papers
The 5th Biennial Conference on
Transition and Economic Development (TED)
Economic Development and Structural Change:
Institutions, Markets and Public Policies
Sponsored and Supported by
China Centre for Economic Studies (CCES), Fudan University
Chinese Economist Society (CES), US
The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM), US
20 - 21 September 2013
Fudan University, China
Every two years, China Centre for Economic Studies (CCES) organizes an international conference on the Chinese economy, with the objectives of strengthening scientific collaborations and connecting China scholars around the world. The 5th TED conference is organized in collaboration with The Chinese Economist Society (CES) and The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM).
The previous conferences have attracted wide-ranging attention from academic institutions, government organisations and industries, alongside the media in China. The theme of the 5th TED conference will be economic development and structural changes, focusing on the roles of institutions, markets and public policies.
Preferences will be given to the following topics: marketization and governance, political connections, industrial agglomeration, and China and the world economy, especially the role of government during China’s development.
Key Dates
15 June 2013: abstract due
30 June 2013: full paper due
15 July 2013: letters of acceptance announced
Conference Proceedings
Depending on the number and quality of papers submitted, the organizers intend to publish some of the conference papers at China Economic Review and Comparative Economics Studies. The selection of papers will follow a double-blind referee process.
CCES will provide free meals and accommodation to the paper presenters for the duration of the conference. However, participants should pay their own travel costs.
Non-CES members should become a member of the CES and pay $US 35 membership fee (optional for SSEM members).
Non-SSEM members should become a member of the SSEM and pay $US 100 membership fee (optional for CES members).
Membership fee for participants from mainland China could be relieved by application.
Non-CES members:
For expression of interest, the submission of all conference papers, please contact:
China Center for Economic Studies (CCES)
Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Tel: ++86-21-65643054, Fax: ++86-21-65643056
For expression of interest, the submission of all conference papers, please contact:
Ms. Amalia Syligardakis, Manager e-Learning, eServices Office (eSO)
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University
2120 Technology Enhanced Learning Bldg.
4700 Keele St. Toronto ON M3J 1P3, Canada
Tel: ++001-416-736-2100 ext. 30705 or 416-736-5831