
  • 发布时间:2004年09月07日浏览次数:

 通 知

 复旦大学与日本早稻田大学合作的网上教学项目已经启动,这次项目的名称为“Coexistence in Asia”。











We are very pleased to announce that the joint online course, "Coexistence in Asia," starts on the 1st of August 2004. We believe that this is the unique and innovating method of distance education, in which the professors and students of the five major universities in the Asia- Pacific region jointly creates the omnibus course.

We have five universities in this course: Fudan University (China), Korea University (Korea), National University of Singapore (Singapore), Thammasat University (Thailand) and Waseda University (Japan).

We are very grateful to the five participating universities who agreed to the initiatives WasedaUniversity proposed. Our special thanks to the internationally well-known professors who contribute to the course:

- Prof. Mannsoo SHIN, Korea University (Korea)
- Prof. Jun ZHANG, Fudan University (China)
- Prof. Takashi TERADA, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
- Prof. Bhanupong NIDHIPRABHA, Thammasat University (Thailand)
- Prof. Toshihiko KINOSHITA, Waseda University (Japan)


Each of these professors represents their university and overviews their specialized field. We all appreciate their collaborative efforts for our future generation in Asia-Pacific region. We all hope that this joint cyber course can provide unique educational opportunities among young leaders in each country and that each individual participant can think of the future directions in Asia Pacific region in terms of "Coexistence in Asia."

We hope all of you will actively participate in this course and have fruitful results at the end of the course.