Gary Jefferson 访问 CCES

  • 发布时间:2007年04月26日浏览次数:

来自布兰代斯大学的Gary Jefferson教授4月份访问了复旦大学中国经济研究中心,并为经济学院的师生进行了多个专题的讲座。
1、Technology Diversity and Development: Evidence from China's Industrial Enterprises
2、A Great Wall of Patents: What is behind China's recent patent explosion?
3、What is driving China’s decline in energy intensity?
4、Privatization and Restructuring in China: Evidence from Shareholding
Ownership, 1995-2001
5、Research and Development in Chinese Industry: The Role of FDI in
Motivating R&D Intensification
6、High Tech Regions in China:  Pathways to Technology Diffusion or Centers
of Increasing Technology Concentration?
7、What is the connection between economic development and political reform?
8、What has the study of China contributed to the discipline of economics?
9、How would the field be different today if China had not undertaken economic
reform during the past 25 years?
中国经济研究中心主任张军教授在Gary Jefferson教授最后一次的讲座中,与Jefferson讨论了双方共同关注的问题,并且探讨了双方未来合作的方向和可能性。