张军教授的论文最近在SSCI期刊Journal of Asia Pacific Economy上发表

  • 发布时间:2011年12月23日浏览次数:

 张军教授的论文最近在SSCI期刊Journal of Asia Pacific Economy上发表   

   中心主任张军教授的论文“Guanxi and Entrepreneurship in Urban China”最近在SSCI经济学杂志Journal of Asia Pacific Economy( Vol.17, No.2, 315-331)上发表。   
Guanxi and Entrepreneurship in Urban China   
Michael Troilo* and Jun Zhang**  
*University of Tulsa, Collins College of Business, 302-D, 800 South Tucker Drive, 800 South Tucker Drive, Tulsa, OK 74120, USA  
**China Center for Economic Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433 China     
We test for the relative importance of guanxi (“connections”) as a catalyst for entrepreneurship in urban China using survey data from five cities for the period 1996-2001. We find that guanxi with the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) is negatively correlated with the likelihood of being either a sole proprietor or an entrepreneur with employees. Family guanxi has no effect for sole proprietors, but is positively correlated with the probability of being an entrepreneur with employees.  These findings add to the literature on entrepreneurship in China by differentiating the effects of various types of guanxi on various forms of entrepreneurship.   
JEL classification: H00, O10, P2, P3, Z13. 
Keywords: Guanxi, entrepreneurship, urban china, family  
http://www.cces.fudan.edu.cn/UploadFile/Guanxi and Entrepreneurship in Urban China.pdf