Call for Papers
The 6th Biennial Conference on
Transition and Economic Development (TED)
Industrial Upgrading and Future Prospects of
the Chinese Economy:
Demographics, Financial Markets and Industrial
Sponsored and
Supported by
China Center for Economic Studies (CCES), Fudan University
Technology and
Management Center for Development (TMCD), University of Oxford
Japanese Association
for Chinese Economy and Management Studies (JACEM), Japan
7 - 8
September 2015
Fudan University
Shanghai, China
Every two years, China Center for Economic Studies (CCES) organizes an international conference on the Chinese economy, with the objectives of strengthening scientific collaborations and connecting China scholars around the world. The 6th TED conference is organized in collaboration with The Japanese Association for Chinese Economy and Management Studies (JACEM) and The Technology and Management Center for Development (TMCD) of University of Oxford.
The previous
conferences have attracted wide-ranging attentions from academic institutions, government organizations and industries,
alongside the media in China. The theme of the 6th TED conference will be industrial
upgrading and future prospects of
the Chinese economy, focusing on the roles of demographic
change, financial markets, and industrial policies.
Preferences will be
given to, but not limited to, the following
Demographic Change
Industrial Upgrading
The Role of Financial Markets in Industrial Upgrading
Industrial Agglomeration
Technology Innovations
Future Prospects of China
The World Economy.
5 July 2015: abstract due
5 August 2015: full paper due
20 August 2015: letters of
acceptance announced
Xiaolan Fu
(University of Oxford)
John Knight
(University of Oxford)(TBC)
Assar Lindbeck
(Stockholm University)
Keijiro Otsuka (National Graduate
Institute for Policy Studies)
Dani Rodrik
(Princeton University)
Shanping Yan
(Doshisha University)
Jun Zhang (Fudan
Depending on the number and quality of
papers submitted, the organizers intend to publish some of the conference
papers at Journal of Comparative Economics, China Economic Review, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies.
The selection of papers will follow a double-blind referee process.
The language of the conference will be both English and
Chinese. CCES will provide free meals and hotel accommodation to the paper presenters
for the duration of the conference.
Please kindly send your paper to SHI Shuo (Mr.), at
of Email: TED2015
File Name: The file name of your paper should follow this fixed
rule, which is
area of your paper]_[Paper title]_[Corresponding author]".
For example,
upgrading]_[China's challenge and chance]_[XXX].
6th, September, 2015
Check-in and
welcome dinner
7th, September, 2013
08:45-09:10 Opening addresses
09:10-10:00 Opening keynote speech
10:00-10:20 Q&A
10:20-10:40 Picture Taking and Tea break
10:40-11:30 Keynote speech, Room 104
11:30-11:50 Q&A
11:50-13:30 Buffet at Crown Plaza
13:30-15:30 Session 1(1)
13:30-15:30 Session 1(2)
15:30-15:50 Tea break
15:50-17:50 Session 2(1)
15:50-17:50 Session 2(2)
18:30 Dinner
8th, September, 2015
08:45-10:15 Session 3(1)
08:45-10:15 Session 3(2)
10:15-10:35 Tea Break
10:35-12:15 Round-Table Discussion
12:15-13:30 Buffet at Crown Plaza
13:30-15:00 Session 4(1)
13:30-15:00 Session 4(2):
15:00-15:20 Tea Break
15:20-16:40 Concluding Keynote speech
16:40-17:00 Q&A
17:00-17:10 Wrapping Up
17:30 Departure for Dinner: Baolong